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DTe Acts against Contraventions of the Electricity Act

The Office for Energy Regulation (DTe) has issued a number of market players with binding instructions. It appears that these players contravened the Electricity Act of 1998 in the summer of 2001. By means of binding instructions, DTe compels companies to take appropriate measure to ensure compliance in the future with the provisions of the Electricity Act.

An extensive investigation has shown that last summer the companies did not offer or did not offer all the import capacity allocated to them on the cross-border network on the Amsterdam Power Exchange (APX). This is obligatory in order to create a single market for import capacity for the day ahead.

In addition, binding instructions have been imposed on some market players who had acquired transport capacity on the cross-border networks in excess of the permitted 400 MW. The Electricity Act stipulates this ceiling to ensure that one or a number of players do not acquire all the import capacity, which could affect prices.