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System operators Enexis, Liander, Stedin, and TenneT to launch improvement process to clarify investment plans following ACM assessment

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has assessed the investment plans of system operators Coteq, Enexis, GTS, Liander, RENDO, Stedin, TenneT on-shore, TenneT off-shore, and Westland, and has given them the green light to finalize these investment plans.

However, ACM, in consultation with the trade association of system operators Netbeheer Nederland, has concluded agreements with system operators Enexis, Liander, Stedin and TenneT regarding an improvement process for their investment plans. In the assessment of the investment plans, ACM focused on transparency. Considering the scarcity on the grid and the uncertainty associated therewith for businesses and households, it is important that system operators clearly show what choices they make and what projects they carry out, and why. ACM’s assessment shows that the investment plans of Enexis, Liander, Stedin, and TenneT do not offer that clarity at the moment.

ACM has agreed with Enexis, Liander, Stedin, and TenneT that, no later than September 1, 2024, they will draw up improvement plans with concrete milestones. In this plan, they will flesh out how they will make the verifiability of prioritization clearer. ACM will monitor the progress of the improvement plans.

Manon Leijten, Member of the Board of ACM, adds: “The problem of congestion on the grids is getting more and more dire. That is why it is important for users and all other parties involved to know what projects will be carried out when and why. That is why it is good that system operators will draw up improvement plans. ACM will closely monitor the progress thereof.”

ACM’s assessment of the system operators’ investment plans was originally introduced to monitor the necessity of investments. However, the congestion problem has become so big by now that there are more concerns about the question of whether system operators for electricity are able to make their investments in a timely manner. Since system operators cannot do everything at once, it is important that system operators provide clarity about their planning and reasons for delay, if any. That is why ACM would like to sit down with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) and discuss the future procedure for assessing investment plans.

ACM has sent the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy a letter about the procedure for the assessment of investment plans, notifications regarding underinvestments, and the improvement plans.

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