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ACM: suppliers now fully comply with the statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice

Since October 1, 2022, suppliers of natural gas and electricity have fully complied with the statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice for tariff changes. This has been revealed by an assessment carried out by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). ACM finds it important that suppliers communicate any tariff changes to their customers in a timely manner so that they are able to prepare as much as possible for changes to their monthly costs for natural gas and electricity.

On September 27, 2022, ACM sent a letter to all energy suppliers (in Dutch) in which it drew attention to the statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice. That letter was prompted by several tariff increases implemented by a number of suppliers but that had been communicated to customers too close to the date on which they would have taken effect (October 1). ACM’s assessment revealed that these suppliers delayed their tariff increases until at least 30 days after their announcements, and that, since October 1, 2022, all suppliers have fully complied with the statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice. After October 1, 2022, ACM has not established any violations of this rule.

Despite the fact that suppliers now fully comply with the statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice, consumers are often unable in practice to switch suppliers before the new tariff takes effect. That is because consumers are entitled to a statutory notice period of 30 days. ACM is therefore calling on the legislature to make it possible for consumers to cancel contracts within 14 days, and to lay down in law the 30 days of advance notice. That will lead to consumers always being informed at least 30 days before their new tariffs come into effect, and subsequently having another two weeks to decide whether or not they agree with the new tariffs or if they wish to switch energy suppliers.

The statutory minimum of 30 days of advance notice does not apply to heat suppliers.

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