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ACM definitively revokes supply licenses of energy company Anode Energie

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will definitively revoke the supply licenses of bankrupt energy company Anode Energie per 15 December 2021. The receiver of Anode Energie informed ACM that energy company VanHelder has taken over all of Anode Energie’s customers as of 13 December 2021. All customers will continue to receive energy, and will automatically be informed by their new energy supplier.

On December 2, 2021, ACM already announced that it would revoke Anode Energie’s licenses because it had run into financial problems as a result of the high energy prices.

Anode Energie supplied energy to approximately 14,000 customers (consumers and small-scale users). Of these 14,000 customers, approximately 5,000 customers had taken out contracts directly with Anode Energie. In addition, another 9,000 individuals were customer with Anode Energie through so-called resellers (Gezinsenergie, Green Dutch Energy, AGEM, Hilverstroom, Nedergy , BLIQ and Ampeer). Anode Energie’s receiver has agreed with VanHelder that it become the new energy supplier of all of these customers, but that energy company Gezinsenergie, as an reseller, will act as the point of contact for consumers and small-scale users. All of Anode Energie’s customers will thus get new energy contracts from VanHelder directly or through Gezinsenergie, and will be able to choose whether or not to stay with VanHelder/Gezinsenergie or to switch suppliers anyway (after a notice period of no more than 30 days).  

See also

14-12-2021 Amendment decisions regarding supply licenses for electricity and natural by Kleinverbruik Energie der Nederlanden (in Dutch)
02-12-2021 Anode Energie to file for bankruptcy, ACM to revoke license