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ACM takes action against energy suppliers that do not offer model contracts

Following reports filed with its consumer information portal ACM ConsuWijzer, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has assessed whether Dutch energy suppliers offer consumers so-called model contracts for natural gas and electricity. Consumers must always have the opportunity to take out a model contract with an energy supplier. In addition, energy suppliers must ensure that the rates of model contracts can always be found on their websites.

Suppliers can set and change the rates for model contracts themselves, but all of them must use the same conditions in those model contracts. The model contract is a permanent contract with variable rates. However, the model contract is not always the most economical contract that suppliers offer. That is because suppliers can decide for themselves what other contracts they also offer, and what conditions they use in those contracts.

Reports filed with ACM ConsuWijzer reveal that consumers were unable to take out a model contract with several energy suppliers. Consumers that contacted those suppliers with the intention of taking out a model contract were told, for example, that the model contract had been ‘sold out’. ACM has confronted those suppliers about these reports. Now, consumers are once again able to take out a model contract with these suppliers.

ACM is calling on consumers that experience issues with taking out a model contract to file a report with ACM ConsuWijer (in Dutch).

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