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ACM’s response to arrangements between ZN, NVZ, and NFU regarding COVID-19-related costs for 2021

Health insurers and hospitals can make arrangements regarding financial assistance in 2021 in order to prevent far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has approved this initiative following questions from health insurers and hospitals about these arrangements’ compatibility with competition rules. Without these arrangements, the continuity of health care might be jeopardized, and premiums might go up.

In its letter, ACM explains that, under normal circumstances, collective agreements regarding the reimbursement of health care costs violate competition rules. However, ACM finds it sufficiently plausible that these arrangements are necessary for guaranteeing the continuity of health care. Furthermore, the arrangements are temporary, since they only apply to 2021.

In its response, ACM draws attention to the subarrangements about catch-up care and expensive drugs.


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