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Energy distribution tariffs to increase, on average, by 17 euros per household per year

In 2021, the tariffs for the distribution of electricity and natural gas will increase, on average, by 17 euros per household per year (excluding VAT). This follows from the tariff decision of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) for the distribution system operators and transmission system operator TenneT. End-users are charged these tariffs for the distribution of electricity and natural gas via the regular energy bills.

Distribution system operators

The increase in the distribution tariffs of the distribution system operators is primarily caused by higher costs that distribution system operators will pay for the transmission of electricity by TenneT. ACM has decided that the distribution system operators are allowed to incorporate these increasing costs in their tariffs for end-users from 2021, thereby preventing a large tariff increase in 2023. In this way, distribution system operators are able to counterbalance the increase in costs, and tariff fluctuations for end-users are expected to be limited.

Transmission system operator TenneT

TenneT’s customers are businesses and distribution system operators that are connected to TenneT’s extra high-voltage grid or high-voltage grid. The extra high-voltage grid’s tariffs increase by over 11%, and the high-voltage grid’s tariffs increase by up to 6%. The latter increase is also the result of a correction following a court ruling regarding the method decisions. ACM has moved part of that correction from the 2020 tariff year to 2021 in order to limit the tariff increase for 2020, and, in that way, create more stability in how the tariffs evolve.

Towards an affordable, secure and sustainable supply of energy

ACM supports the objective of realizing an affordable, secure, and sustainable supply of energy. It regulates system operators, which enjoy a monopoly on the distribution of energy. ACM’s regulation ensures that distribution and connection tariffs are not higher than necessary, where system operators are given room to invest, also with an eye to the energy transition. The distribution and connection tariffs represent, on average, 20% of consumers’ energy bills, and amount to, on average, 323 euros in distribution and connection tariffs per household per year.

Metering tariffs

In addition to distribution and connection tariffs, system operators also charge tariffs for the energy meter. Compared with last year, these have only been adjusted for inflation. The metering tariffs are published at the same time as the distribution and the connection tariffs.