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At ACM’s request, telecom operator Robin Mobile has adjusted terms for roaming

Dutch telecom operator Robin Mobile has lifted a limit on the amount of data that can be used when roaming, effective immediately. The company has taken this step at the request of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), which checked the quality of mobile roaming services when staying abroad.

Customers of Robin Mobile were given a daily data allowance of 1 gigabyte when roaming within the EU. After that, their download speed was reduced to 1 megabit per second. Martijn Snoep, Chairman of the Board of ACM, explains: ‘As a result thereof, customers who, for example, were on holiday abroad were only able to watch the first half of a soccer match. The reduced download speed made watching the second half of the match impossible. Within the Netherlands, there was no data limit. Under the ‘roam-like-at-home’ principle, customers should be able to use the same services within the EU just like they do at home, under the same terms.’ By lifting the daily data allowance, Robin Mobile ensured that its roaming services comply with the rules now.


ACM wants telecom operators to ensure that, also when traveling abroad, their customers are provided the same level of quality when using mobile broadband services. That is if that level of quality is technically available. In order to check if that is the case, ACM regularly conducts a check-up. If it is established that an operator does not comply with the rules, ACM will take action.

More information

More information on the use of broadband data when abroad can be found on ACM’s consumer information portal, ACM Consuwijzer (in Dutch).