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Draft code amendment decision regarding the discount for interruptible capacity

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has drafted a draft decision to amend the discount for interruptible capacity to 0,02%. The amended discount percentage follows from the fact that, in its calculations thereof, ACM took into consideration the recent interruptions. This is an amendment to the Tariff Code Gas.

With this code amendment decision ACM fulfils the consultation requirement of article 28 NC-TAR. This article requires the ACM to yearly consult the multipliers, seasonal factors, the discount for LNG facilities and the discount for interruptible capacity. ACM proposed to leave the multipliers, seasonal factors, the discount for LNG facilities unchanged.

If there are differences between the Dutch version and the English version, the Dutch version will prevail.

Can I express a view on the draft decision?

You can express a view on the draft decision , when you are considered an interested party by Dutch court. Starting from the day of publication in the Dutch Government Gazette, you have exactly 12 weeks to express a written view.


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