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ACM advises consumers not to pay debt collection agencies in connection with Vakantiegarant bills

Over a short period of time, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has received many reports through its consumer information portal ConsuWijzer about various debt collection agencies collecting bills for the company Vakantiegarant. These debt collection agencies put tremendous pressure on consumers to pay Vakantiegarant’s bills, even though no legally valid agreements had ever been concluded.

The intimidating practices of these debt collection agencies are receiving considerable attention in the media as well. The agencies do not act on Vakantiegarant’s behalf, because Vakantiegarant has already ceased operations.

Consumer advisory: do not pay

ACM advises consumers not to pay if a debt collection agency approaches them about any bills from Vakantiegarant, not even if the agency threatens with measures such as sending bailiffs, or calling in locksmiths or the police.        


Vakantiegarant had failed to observe the rules regarding customer recruitment. That is why ACM last year forced the company to stop misleading consumers, and, if it failed to do so, the company would have to pay periodic penalty payments. As the company did not clearly inform consumers about its products and services, no legally valid agreements had been concluded. That is why consumers who are currently approached by debt collection agencies do not have to pay.

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