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Groot Nieuws Radio will no longer be broadcasted from antenna site Zeewolde from September 1, 2017

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has rejected the request of Broadcast Technology & Development (BTD) to continue its use of the antenna site of telecom mast company Omroepmasten near the town of Zeewolde. According to ACM, BTD cannot reasonably expect this. BTD also wanted to continue its use of the installation point for the broadcasts of Dutch radio station Groot Nieuws Radio on the medium wave (AM). Omroepmasten had a clause expressly included in the current agreement stipulating that they would close down the antenna site Zeewolde on September 1, 2017.

Agreement between BTD and Omroepmasten

BTD manages the broadcasts of radio station Groot Nieuws Radio from antenna site Zeewolde. This site is owned by Omroepmasten. In September 2015 , BTD and Omroepmasten have agreed that BTD is allowed to make use of this antenna site for the broadcasts of Groot Nieuws Radio. The agreement explicitly states, however, that the joint use will expire on August 31, 2017. Omroepmasten wants to close down the antenna site for commercial reasons.