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Smaller postal firms to keep access to next-day delivery market

Smaller postal companies should continue to be able to gain access to the delivery network of major Dutch postal company PostNL. That way, competition can continue to exist on the market for next-day delivery. Access to PostNL’s delivery network is currently laid down in Section 9 of the Dutch Postal Act. As the regulator of the postal market, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) proposes to have this access included as a requirement in an upcoming market analysis decision. The requirements laid down in the market analysis decision are less strict than those in Section 9. Section 9 will be repealed at some point in the future. ACM today made the draft market analysis decision available for public consultation.

Henk Don, Member of the Board of ACM, explains: “Even in a shrinking market, ACM still sees sufficient opportunities for competition. Over 3 billion letter-size mailpieces continue to be delivered each year. PostNL has a very strong position in the market for next-day delivery. Currently, business senders can choose between various providers. If smaller mail companies no longer had any access to PostNL’s network, they would not be able to deliver mail across the Netherlands anymore, thereby reducing the options for business senders.”

PostNL’s network is open to smaller postal companies

All mail companies are able to gain access to PostNL’s network. The conditions and tariffs for such access have been laid down in the draft decision. PostNL’s competitors are able to deliver mail in many places, but are unable to deliver mail throughout the Netherlands five days a week. That is why they rely on PostNL’s national network.

About the market analysis decision

As the regulator of the postal market, ACM is able to impose requirements on PostNL, because it has significant market power. These requirements are laid down in a market analysis decision.
Businesses and other organizations have the opportunity to react to the draft version thereof until July 21, 2016. ACM will take into account in the final decision all of the reactions it receives. The final decision is expected to be released in the fall of 2016.