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Plan of action regarding voltage quality on grids meets ACM’s expectations

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) considers the plans of action of Dutch transmission operator TenneT and the regional network operators for maintaining the current level of the voltage a good start. According to these plans, the network operators will:

  • measure the voltage quality on all electricity grids more often,
  • set up a website publishing the results of voltage quality measurements,
  • identify the impact of special projects, and
  • make a proposal for a standard for voltage dips in medium-voltage grids no later than 1 January 2018.

In September 2013, ACM still had some critical comments about the initial plans of the network operators for improving the voltage quality. These comments particularly concerned the justifications for the choices the network operators made, and the justifications for their cost projections. The network operators subsequently adjusted their plans in collaboration with ACM, the Dutch Association for Energy, Environment and Water (VEMW), and the Dutch branch organization for energy suppliers in the Netherlands. The network operators provided a better justification for the choices they made in the adjusted plans. As a result, these plans now meet ACM’s expectations.


Voltage quality of electricity networks comprises the voltage level, the limits within which the voltage may vary, the frequency and intensity of these variations, and voltage dips.

Poor voltage quality may lead to equipment failures, which may lead to disruptions of business processes. This would lead to financial harm particularly to industrial firms, but also to small and medium-sized enterprises, and to households.