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NMa: average increase of tariffs of regional network operators 7.1 percent

As of January 2013, the tariffs of the regional network operators for natural gas and electricity will, on average, increase by 7.1 percent. That is one of the conclusions of the 2013 tariff decisions that the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) published today. Transmission of gas and electricity by the regional network operators is a component of energy bills. Consumers and businesses pay for transmission through their energy bills. The tariff increase means that an average household’s energy bill will increase by approximately EUR 20 (excluding VAT) in 2013.

One of the components of that 7.1 percentage increase is inflation, which accounts for 2.3 percentage points. The remaining 4.8 percentage points largely come from investments in the networks for, among other things, decentralized injection such as wind turbines and cogeneration plants. As a result, network operators will receive additional revenues to cover the efficient costs in the current regulatory period of 2011-2013. Tariff increases may differ per network operator. A new regulatory period will start in 2014. The NMa has already started working on the preparations for the decisions covering the new regulatory period.

The network operators and other interested parties have the opportunity to file objections and appeals against these tariffs decisions. If the tariff decisions are appealed, the tariff increases will, at first, still be implemented as of 2013. If the appeal is allowed, any overpayments or underpayments will be settled with future tariffs.

Documents and publications
Tarievenbesluiten RNB Elektriciteit 2013 (in Dutch)
Tarievenbesluiten RNB Gas 2013 (in Dutch)

See also