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Vetted researchers

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What are vetted researchers?

Some researchers assess systemic risks at the very large online platforms and search engines. These are risks that can have serious societal and economic harm. Examples are widespread dissemination of illegal content or the risk of election interference. The researchers can also focus on the measures that very large online platforms and search engines take to mitigate the systemic risks.

For their research, these researchers require access to data. Very large online platforms and search engines must grant researchers access to publicly available data. The European Commission sees to it they do.

If data is not publicly available, then researchers can request access to the required data with the ACM. If researchers meet the statutory requirements, the ACM can grant them the ‘vetted’ status, meaning that very large online platforms or search engines must grant vetted researchers access. The status of ‘vetted researcher’ is not needed for access to publicly available data.


For the status of ‘vetted researcher’, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • You are affiliated to a research organization.
  • You are independent from commercial interests.
  • Your application discloses the funding of your research.
  • You are capable of fulfilling the specific data security and confidentiality requirements and of protecting personal data. You describe in your request the appropriate technical and organizational measures that you have put in place to this end.
  • Access to the data and the time frames requested are necessary for, and proportionate to, the purposes of your research.
  • The expected results of your research will contribute to the detection, identification and understanding of systemic risks, or to the assessment of the measures taken by very large online platforms and search engines against systemic risks.
  • You will make your research results publicly available free of charge, within a reasonable period after the completion of the research.

Attention! At this point, you cannot file an application with the ACM yet. The relevant law has not come into effect yet. It is expected to do so sometime in 2024. If you send your contact details to DSA [at] acm [punt] nl, you will be informed when you can file an application.

Filing an application

You will soon be able to file an application for data access digitally. The ACM can only handle your application if the very large online platform or the search engine on which your research is focused is located in the Netherlands, or if your research organization is located in the Netherlands.

The ACM will assess whether you meet the requirements, and then decide whether we grant you the status of ‘vetted researcher’. During the assessment, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) advises the ACM about the protection of personal data.

If your research organization is located in the Netherlands, but the very large online platform or online search engine on which your research is focused is located in another member state, the ACM will only carry out an initial assessment of your application. the ACM will subsequently forward your application with ACMs preliminary advice to the Digital Services Coordinator of the member state where the very large online platform or search engine is located. That member state’s Digital Services Coordinator will make the final decision.

Further rules

The European Commission is currently drafting a delegated act. This will provide more clarity regarding the submission and assessment of applications. They will also contain further rules regarding the process of the application.

The European Commission expects to finalize the delegated acts in 2024. As soon as we are able to share more information with you about the delegated act, we will do so on our website.

Revoking the status of vetted researcher

If a vetted researcher no longer meets the requirements, the ACM may revoke the status of ‘vetted researcher’.
